Tag Archives: Scott Adams

Ignorance is underrated


Ek lees graag Scott Adams se aweregse humor op die Dilbert blog (volg gerus die link op my blogroll).  Hier is ‘n kort uittreksel uit vandag se inskrywing Ignorance is underrated.  Geniet dit!

If you step it up a level, and consider how many voters understand the complexities of international trade policies, or economics, or national defense, the stakes are higher. If the country gets any one of those things wrong, it’s a disaster.  But experts always disagree on the complex issues. When knowledgable people can’t agree on the best course of action, there’s no reason to think ignorance will get you to a worse place than knowledge. The only thing you can know for sure is that the ignorant people wasted less time reading about things that didn’t help.

Amazingly, the government still functions, albeit inefficiently, in spite of all this ignorance. It does this simply by observing what didn’t work last time and occasionally trying something new next time. Apparently that is enough to limp along. It works for ants and it works for us. Or at least I think it works for ants. I’m actually quite ignorant about ant behavior, but notice how it doesn’t matter?

Nee-nee, hy praat nie van Suid-Afrika of Zim se regering nie!  Hm… maar hy het toevallig gister, interessant genoeg, wel iets oor Zimbabwe kwytgeraak:

I don’t know how well the school system in Zimbabwe is preparing its citizens, but it takes a lot of math to plan a trip to the market. “Let’s see, that’s four million percent inflation annually, convert to a daily figure, calculate the time it takes to get to the market, and QUICK, LOAD THE ZEBRA CART!” If you paused for an unscheduled stop at the unspeakably horrible poop hole, you’d have to start all over.